385 Kings Highway N. Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

10 Tips for Better Email Marketing

10 Tips for Better Email Marketing


  • Send out too often. Just like you, I get a lot of emails. And there are some that I actually look forward to. I’ve even signed up just to receive their valuable information. Just don’t push it. Once or twice a month is enough. More than that, then I’m annoyed and will unsubscribe forever.

  • Go on too long. One or two brief topics is enough.

  • Hard Sell.

  • Add names to your email list without their permission.


  • Bring value. If you can teach me something new each issue, I’ll stay with you and continue to open your newsletter every time it comes along.

  • Personalize your emails. If it says, “Hi Nancy” at the top of the page, I’m more likely to read further.

  • Listen. Are there certain questions that your customers ask? Answer it in your next issue. Chances are, there are other customers who have the very same question and would appreciate the answer.

  • Get A Little Personal. Let your customers get to know you a little better. Include something extra, such as “Books on my nightstand,” “Favorite quotes,” sports statistics – whatever you’re passionate about.

  • Craft A Clever Subject Line. Many people use the subject line to decide whether or not they should open the email. “June Newsletter” is not going to do it.

  • Have A Call to Action. Tell your readers what you want them to do next. Call now? Text us this code? Be specific.

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