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3 Marketing Tips You Can Learn from Musical Giants

3 Marketing Tips You Can Learn from Musical Giants

While musical giants such as Beyoncé, Jimmy Buffet and the Happy song creator Pharrell Williams have enormous talent, their staying power stems not just from their songs – but from their strategic marketing philosophies.

Music is a business. There is an art – and a science – to these musicians’ marketing. Just as in your business, building an emotional connection between you and your clients is the goal of every marketing strategy.

Get Targeted. Beyoncé has a strong singing voice, just like others do. But what sets Beyoncé apart is her ability and discipline to create songs for a distinctive and now loyal audience: strong, independent women. Her dedicated emotional connection with her audience keeps her ‘queen status’ intact.

Be Unique. In the case of Pharrell Williams, it’s hard to listen to Happy without bobbing your head to the rhythm.  That song didn’t take off on its own. Pharrell pumped even more joy into it by producing a video showing him and regular folk dancing and lip-syncing their way around the globe, on a 24-hour continuous loop upon the song’s launch.

Consistency Pays Off. When you hear the song Margaritaville, you daydream your way to a place with palm trees, beaches and umbrella drinks.
That song was released in 1977 – seven years before Mark Zuckerberg was even born. Jimmy Buffet didn’t need Facebook. He turned the song into a state-of-mind. He then branded this state-of-mind to become synonymous with his name, eventually branching out to lending his name to actual places and things where you can get away from it all.

These musical geniuses understand the 3 core principles of marketing, which hold true  for businesses outside of the music biz as well: know your audience, be unique, and be consistent. Connect clearly, consistently and authentically with your audience.

These three musicians have lots of talent. But most small businesses are built on someone’s strong talent too. The lessons these artists can teach us is that when we focus on the needs and wants of people who are looking for that strength, the marketing decisions become crystal clear.

If you are looking to give your marketing staying power, contact First Impressions today.

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