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4 Reasons Social Media is a Must-Have

4 Reasons Social Media is a Must-Have

If you’re looking for a marketing tactic that helps with brand awareness, lead generation, customer loyalty, sales and customer service – social media marketing is a must-have in your arsenal. Yet despite these benefits, companies often struggle with how to use social media effectively and consistently.

According to a recent study, 60 percent of consumers researching products learned about a specific brand or retailer through social media searches.
Customers also use social media to engage with a company’s customer service, share their experiences, and develop deeper connections with brands.

Here are four key areas any good social media strategy should include:

  1. Know and Connect with Your Target Audience

By understanding your ideal client, it’s easier to identify which social media platforms will work best.
From there, you can pinpoint your content strategy and develop your brand’s voice, so clients and ideal prospects can better see your uniqueness in the marketplace.

  1. Use Your Brand’s Logo

People remember in pictures. Having your logo out there, day after day, on every piece of content will help audiences remember you more easily in a noisy marketplace.
Think of the Nike swoosh. The athletic apparel company has been so consistent with its logo, that their ideal customer knows who the company is and what they stand for – just by looking at their icon.

  1. Engage with Good Content

While compelling pictures and interesting graphics attracts attention, another effective way to cultivate a loyal audience is by providing content that is relevant to their needs. For example, if your company’s target market is mothers with young children, post useful tips and ideas that they find helpful in their lives.

Attaching hashtags, which is like categorizing by subject, also helps you find more of your ideal customers.

  1. Be Consistent

It can take some audiences a while to catch on to your message. So it’s important to be consistent in posting quality content on a regular basis. What’s the right balance?
Oversharing isn’t necessary and audiences may find it irritating. But don’t post enough and you may as well have disappeared in the marketplace.

If you are thinking about using social media to support your marketing and sales goals, but don’t have the skill, time or persistence to stay with it, contact Nancy Sipera at First Impressions Marketing today.

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