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One Smart Way to Build Clients’ Trust

One Smart Way to Build Clients’ Trust

Give people a reason to read and they will open your email. Email marketing has gotten a bad rap because too many businesses have used them for selfish promotions that are of little value to the recipient. Giving them information and ideas they can trust and use goes a long way towards establishing and keeping good relationships with your customers.

Here are three reasons why creating email campaigns is a smart business move.

1. Staying top of mind
By staying connected, it is harder for a potential or existing customer to forget about you and how you can help them.

If you deliver valuable information, plus a special offer from time to time, you can stay connected with people. This is even more critical if your product or service has a long sales cycle.

Effective email campaigns can also put your company in the right place at the right time – reaching them just when a business may be considering a change or upgrade in a product or service.

2. Developing new leads
Sometimes people just like to know that you care about earning their trust and business. Once they accept your emails, you can demonstrate all the advantages in doing business with you. There may be other features and services you offer that your customer was not aware of.

Keeping in contact through valuable emails will provide them with the opportunity to get to know you better – when done right, can lead to a business relationship.

3. Establishes positive, long-term relationships.
A newsletter is an excellent way to stay in touch. Done right it shows that you value their business.
A well-crafted newsletter maintains a steady flow of communications with customers throughout the years. That flow encourages repeat sales as well as referrals.

Want to know more about how email marketing can help you establish and build good business relationships? Contact us today.

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