385 Kings Highway N. Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

Author Posts

Grow Your Business with Community Marketing

My interview this week explained Community Marketing, and how you can grow your business right in your own zip code. By being mindful and supporting of your own community, this can affect how customers buy – in favor of your business over another’s – even those much larger than yours. My guest Sandy Student of […]

Marketing for Lawyers

Our show this week interviewed three law firms – each from 3 different areas of expertise (family, real estate and elder law) to find out how their firms market themselves to clients. While their areas of expertise are different, the key messages remained the same. Focus on being knowledgeable, experienced, professional, credible, and getting the […]

Boost Your Marketing Results with Market Research!

I spoke with Linda Rink of Rink Consulting about Market Research. Here’s some tips on where to go for the best info: Why do I need market research? To create a business plan, apply for a loan or grant. It can also save money, cover your butt, make sure you know your product, service or […]