385 Kings Highway N. Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

The Buzz Blog

Why Crash Diets Don’t Work in Marketing

While your competitors are down the shore eating too much Manco & Manco pizza, what do you think having a marketing plan ready to go for fall will do for your chances to grab market share? Developing a good marketing plan does take some time and research, but it beats eating a steady diet of […]

Do I need a Marketer or a Designer?

A lot of businesses can’t see the difference between marketing and design. After all, most people would rather concentrate on their core business, rather than deal with the complexities of marketing. So, it’s no wonder there’s a little confusion between the two terms. Think of marketing and design like this: say you want to go […]

Slight Changes Can Bring Big Sales

It’s not always the big splashy decisions that boost sales; more often it’s the more subtle moves that can drive the sale. Here are some of the more interesting tactics that business are utilizing today to make it easier for their customers to buy from them. Chatbots You’ve probably seen these pop-up “customer service reps” […]

Planting the Seeds for Customer Growth

Marketing strategy is a little like gardening. It takes investigation, planning and tending to earn a hefty crop of customers. If you’ve ever gardened, you know that before putting a shovel in the ground, it’s important to know where, how, what and when to plant. Marketing is no different. Here are some ideas to consider […]