385 Kings Highway N. Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

The Buzz Blog

Boost Your Marketing Results with Market Research!

I spoke with Linda Rink of Rink Consulting about Market Research. Here’s some tips on where to go for the best info: Why do I need market research? To create a business plan, apply for a loan or grant. It can also save money, cover your butt, make sure you know your product, service or […]

Social Media Etiquette – Do’s and Don’ts

Had a great interview this week with Howard Yermish, of Kokua Technologies about knowing the basics of posting on social media. How it’s important to understand the culture of LinkedIn, facebook and Twitter. Here’s a few do’s and don’ts… Never Do This: 1. Fighting. Don’t start fights with others online. People will begin to avoid […]

Getting Organized Means Getting More Work Done!

This week I interviewed Annemarie Eggink, a professional organizer, who explained that getting organized is more than straightening up your desk. It involves incorporating strategies that work for you personally, as well as physical organization. Do-It-Yourself Tips: Annemarie says there are four Degrees of Organization: 1. Hot. This is your desktop, the drawers of your […]