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Marketing Trends to Watch in 2022

Marketing Trends to Watch in 2022

Every time we think we’re turning the corner on the pandemic, another outbreak arises. Add a volatile economy plus new technologies have business owners taking a whack-a-mole approach to figure out what works. Knowing which trending new marketing opportunities to use can be confusing and time consuming.

To help you stay ahead during these uncertain times, here are 4 trends to consider in 2022:

1. Engage More, Hard Sell Less
Informational content is a brand credibility builder. Not only does it showcase your expertise, it demonstrates that you prioritize your audience’s needs.
Substantive content does require some effort, but it generates value each and every time. These days, brand loyalty has gotten more difficult to come by. Content crafted to engage and inform builds a dedicated audience that will continue to support your business.

2. Social Responsibility and Ethics
Consumers are watching. Social media and cell phone footage has the ability to capture both the good and bad of your company’s behavior, as well as your employees. Businesses need to be aware of this and develop a plan around how to handle the omnipresent data that comes from this consumer power.

It’s time to embrace it, and make it work for your business. Sensitivity, transparency, and the demonstration of strong ethics, both in marketing messages and in general business practices, are key to building and maintaining healthy relationships with your target market.

3. Be Where Your Customers Are (and they’re on their phone.)
Ignore mobile marketing opportunities at your own peril. Pushed forward by the pandemic, younger and older consumers alike have a voracious appetite to do/order just about anything by phone.

Mobile search is now the most common form of web search. Re-targeting campaigns, (following a visitor’s online behavior with ads), account for an estimated 65% of conversions within mobile shopping apps.

Start asking your team how customers are accessing your products and services. Study this behavior. If mobile options are not a part of that, remedy this fast.

4. Zoom & Virtual Meetings are Here to Stay
Remote work is no longer a luxury. It’s a necessity and it works. So, businesses need to embrace the opportunities it presents.

With the emergence of digital classrooms and conferences that support remote business operations, event organizers can now offer both in-person and virtual attendance options.
Businesses are now starting to market their breakout sessions and digital classrooms. These geography-expanding opportunities have the power to draw in potential new clients from other target markets.

Determined to stay away from a whack-a-mole approach and have a marketing strategy that works for the short and long term? Contact us today for an informal conversation.

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