385 Kings Highway N. Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

To Selfie or Not?

To Selfie or Not?

When done right, posting your own videos is a great way to market your business. For many, shooting a cell phone video just seems like too much work.

While videos take work, they do work…really well.

Some people are naturals at self-video production. They seem to know what to say – and look good while they are saying it. In reality, even the most self-videographers put in considerable time and effort in deciding what they will produce.

Here are a few tips to consider when planning a self-made video:

  • Get the right equipment. Is your cell phone up to the task? Do some research on which cell phones have the most features that help you with sound, lighting and editing features.
  • What’s your content strategy? Do you want to build brand exposure, educate your customers, recruit employees, and/or drive sales? These answers should dictate your content strategy.
  • Schedule the time for shooting and editing. Taking videos is a little like painting a room. It’s not just about painting the actual wall. It’s about prepping as well. Good videos take thought.
  • Create an easy-to-follow script. Consider if you are going to use music. Make sure you are allowed to use that music. Shoot the scene several times so you get the best shot possible. Editing is a completely separate task. So, take some time going through it.

Here are 5 subjects that audiences like the best:

1. What’s the Why? Is there a cool back story about how your business got started? Spotlight a recent customer success story, as viewers find them interesting to watch.

2. Behind-the-scenes: Some people like to know how the sausage is made. Creating a video that gives people a glimpse as to how you make a product or approach a service can be intriguing.

3. How-to videos: There may be more than one way your clients can use your products or service. Share those ideas on a video.

4. Share a win: Did one of your employees just complete a charity marathon? Overcome a big obstacle to achieve a goal? People love inspirational stories. Don’t be shy. Share your wins.

5. Fun facts about you! Share little known facts about your background that have lead to your success. Was your idea for your business a bit unusual when you started out? Sharing these insights helps draw people to you and the uniqueness of your brand.

There is a lot to consider for self-made videos. They take time, some talent and a whole lot of consideration as to how they will impact your reputation.

Want more insight as to how to market your business effectively? Contact First Impressions Marketing today.

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