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What You Can Learn From the Re-Branding of a College

What You Can Learn From the Re-Branding of a College

Today we talked about what goes into a re-branding campaign. This usually involves changing the look of a company or institution in order to alter the perception that people have about them. You’ll get to hear how this college’s marketing department makes decisions on which marketing tools to use and why. So if you’re considering a re-branding for your company, or are thinking about making a change to parts of your marketing  – there’s lots to learn from my interview with Jennifer Royle, Director of Marketing with Burlington County College.
Q. Why did the college make the decision to re-brand?
A. A few reasons: to redo the college’s logo, which had evolved through the years, but was not a strong one. It also had some color issues – it was difficult to print because of its color. The college wants to better position itself – not just a s a stepping stone to a four-year college, but as an experience in itself. BCC has alot to offer, and it needs to be showcased.
Q. What’s the first step with the re-branding?
A. Research, so as to find out perceptions about the school, from students, alumni, teachers and staff. It will be done in the form of focus groups, online surveys and telephone surveys. Participants will have 1 week to respond to the surveys, which is a shorter time frame, due to the upcoming holidays in November through December. The expected response rate is 10-20%, as this is a group that has or had a relationship with the college.
Q. The re-branding also includes print materials. What’s the goal of this collateral?
A. There is a viewbook, which gives an overview of the school, not just its classes. This will be available online and there will also be direct mail going out to prospective students and also those students who have not yet completed their degree.
Q.What are you doing with your website?
A. The website will get a new look and also a new platform. There have been complaints that the current site is difficult to navigate – people can’t find what they’re looking for.
The current site is updated by one person – the new platform will allow each department to make their own updates.
Q. What types of advertising is included in the re-branding?
A. There will be radio, print and online advertising. There will also be online marketing involving email, facebook and Google AdWords. Direct mail is also included.
Q. How long will the re-branding take?
A. It should take four months.
Source: Burlington County College

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