385 Kings Highway N. Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

The Buzz Blog

Creating an E-mail Marketing Campaign That Gets Results

This week I interviewed Dave Yunghans, Regional Development Director in the Philadelphia Metro area for Constant Contact. I’m sure every one of you has received an e-blasts or e-newsletter – there’s probably at least one waiting for you in your ‘in box’ as we speak. We discussed how to get started, marketing tips for creating […]

Social Selling – the New Way to Sell

Today I interviewed Brynne Tillman about social selling, which is the use of social media by sales professionals to generate revenue. The truth is, the internet has changed the way we gather information about people and businesses. Before the internet, if we wanted to find out if a product could help us, we had to […]

Their Carts Are Full – So Why Won’t They Buy?

Here’s a helpful checklist of where things go wrong with online shoppers, how to fix them, and how to get back the ones who didn’t buy from you. Online shoppers will abandon $1.79 trillion worth of goods. 67% of online shoppers will abandon items in their shopping cart. That number increases by 30 percent if […]