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The Buzz Blog

Making Your Business Stand Out – by Asking for Advice

Today we discussed making your business stand out from the others in a way you wouldn’t expect – by asking for advice. If you’re like many industries, you may feel that your services or products don’t differ that much from your competitors. So what can you do in your business to stand out from the […]

Discussing the book, Selling the Invisible

“You can’t see them – so how do you sell them? That’s the problem with services. “ This is how author Harry Beckwith begins his book entitled, Selling the Invisible. It’s geared for those who are selling the intangible – such as a lawyer, accountant, a consultant, hairdresser or landscaper. These are people who are […]

What You Can Learn From the Re-Branding of a College

Today we talked about what goes into a re-branding campaign. This usually involves changing the look of a company or institution in order to alter the perception that people have about them. You’ll get to hear how this college’s marketing department makes decisions on which marketing tools to use and why. So if you’re considering […]

Using LinkedIn for Business Development

Many people are asking, I’m making all these connections – so now what do I do with them? How do I turn these connections into money? Today I talked with LinkedIn expert Brynne Tillman about how to leverage your LinkedIn connections. Here’s some highlights from our interview: First, a review of the basics: don’t sell, […]